If you are an equestrian, then I can almost guarantee that your car doubles as a tack room. There is no doubt that you NEED an equestrian backpack to cart your gear to the barn & back, and I have found the absolute perfect one! Veltri Sport bags are not only beautifully made, but they are so innovative – your helmet fits fully inside the bag in its own padded compartment.

The bag also has a compartment for your computer, and you can buy these adorable pouches to hold cords, treats, and so much more. In addition, there are plenty of compartments for all those little things that seem to get lost at horse shows (cell phone charger, brush cleaner).

I just love the fun color range! You can’t go wrong with classic Black – it goes with everything. The Grey Camo is so fun, and I am a huge fan of the brand new Bright Navy color. Also, make sure to check out the Limited Edition range which features fun embellishments! I am personally a huge fan of the “Evil Eye” design.

Not only does Veltri Sport have amazing products, but I just love the story behind the brand. Founded by a fashion accessory designer because she couldn’t find a nice ringside backpack for her equestrian daughter, Veltri Sport is a family affair with owner Lisa and her daughter Alessandra running every aspect of design, product development, and marketing! Check out the full range of products on their website: VeltriSport.com