Introducing a new Equestrian Book Club with Bethany of My Equestrian Style and Piper of The Plaid Horse!
The New Year always has us thinking healthy habits and one very common resolution is to read more! MES and The Plaid Horse thought they would join forces for a quarterly equestrian book club and would LOVE for you to join. We want to engage with our members as much as possible, so we will be creating quarterly Live Virtual Book Club Meetings as well as podcast episodes reviewing the book via The Equestrian Podcast and The Plaidcast! The Equestrian Book Club will be rotating through various kinds of educational, biography, and fiction reads and is completely free to join- so come on and let’s start reading. Going forward, our members will help us select books, but for this first book we decided to go with With Purpose: The Balmoral Standard by Carleton Brooks, Traci Brooks, Rennie Dyball!

BOOK ONE – Jan-March 2023
With Purpose: The Balmoral Standard
Carleton Brooks and Traci Brooks bring decades of experience teaching, showing, and judging to their first book, With Purpose: The Balmoral Standard. A guide to horsemanship, training, and the horse industry, this must-read manual is filled with techniques, tips, insights, and anecdotes to bring out the best in you and your horse. Whether you are a horse owner, a student in a lesson program, or a veteran of the show circuit, With Purpose has something for everyone. If you love horses and want to be the best rider and horseman you can be, this is the book for you.