This brand brings out the bold in me! I mean… LOOK AT ME WEARING BUBBLE GUM PINK!

Mochara is a stylish and affordable active wear line based in the UK. They are equestrian inspired but definitely not just for riders! Fun Fact #1: my two main sports growing up were riding AND golf! I started golfing in 5th grade and really loved it. I played for my high school team and in the summertime was pretty much golfing everyday. Looking back, I don’t know how I managed to ride and golf everyday? And do homework and have friends and all that. But I really love to play golf and I am so excited for it to warm up again because these Mochara tops and sweaters would look SO cute with a golf skirt! Can’t you see it?!
I had fun with this pretty-in-pink look: A pink Mochara long sleeve top with matching pink Mochara v-neck sweater, white Mochara riding leggings and a Mochara belt! This belt is so nice- I love the metal bit details!

Fun Fact #2: I don’t show much at all anymore. When I became a professional, all I wanted to do is show. When my former boss asked if I would become a trainer in his riding school, I was like, “Ugh, you mean I have to teach? Can’t I just show?” Well, turns out he was right. I loved it and haven’t really looked back. I really love to train and help prepare the horses for my clients to show. And to be honest, enough time has passed without showing that I would really have to knock off some rust! Who thinks we need a secret show venue for all of us who need the show miles without any judgey eyes?!?
The reason I bring up showing is that even though I don’t show much, your girl still takes every opportunity to sport whites! And why not?! No one ever said that you could only wear them to show on Classic Day. I love these white Mochara riding leggings and white Mochara sleeveless top. The leggings have belt loops and a phone pocket. I finished the look (because it was FRIGID… a whopping 45* in Florida!!) with this cute SHEIN cropped star sweater which I think make it look really playful yet modern.
Mochara has done a lovely job providing some great modern basics to the equestrian lifestyle space.
Browse their website here- or shop my favorites below (& added to the MES Shop)!
xo, B